Dear All,
Happy Easter!
Can you believe we’re already in April of this year? It only seems like 5 minutes ago that I sent the Christmas message!
Hot Cross Bunny Day 2017 was our latest fundraising event for the Bunny Burrows team. It was held on Sunday 9th April 2017 at our usual venue the Town Hall in Richmond.
Hot Cross Bunny Day remains our biggest fundraising event of our calendar year. This year was a huge success for a number of reasons which included the fabulous weather, the generous donations from all of our kind supporters for various stalls/tombola/competitions, our fantastic volunteers (and Town Hall staff) who work tirelessly to make the day a success and of course, last but not least, all of you who attend and take part in the day, making those all-important purchases and donations.
As ever, we were joined on the day by a number of our furry family and creature residents who included, Gigi and Fritz, Rasputin, Walter White, 3 of our tortoise residents, Hetty (who thoroughly enjoyed meeting so many of you having made the effort with a recent makeover trim especially for you) and our latest ‘Star’ – Hans. Those of you who keep up to date on our website will have seen Han’s story as we have cared for him after a significant health issue with a head wound. Whilst this has taken such a long time to heal and there will always be potential for ear problems, we are delighted to confirm that he is in excellent health and has even now attracted the attention of his new girlfriend, Gretel!!! Go Hans!!!
This year in particular, the atmosphere was so uplifting at our Hot Cross Bunny day– a great and fun day was had by all!
All of the funds we raise are used to support our residents in terms of healthcare and cost of living. As you can imagine, our vets bills increase year on year as we not only care for those of our family who will remain with us permanently, but also as we support those in need whom, with the aid of your sincere and heartfelt generosity, are rescued, loved, nursed back to good health for rehoming or release to the wild.
Raising awareness of key issues and education are key elements of what we do. For example currently, we are working hard to ensure that at every possible opportunity, we maximise the public platform to increase awareness of the importance of vaccinating our rabbit furies against RHD-2, a more recent variant on the original RHD disease.
Our upcoming fundraising events include: Bunny Burrow’s attendance on 29th May at the Methodist Chapel Fundraiser in Richmond along with our regular visits to Pets at Home – we will be moving this from the Darlington branch to the Catterick Garrison branch soon.
In addition to our fundraising events as above, we also offer Sponsorship packages for our Bunny Burrows creature family – please visit our website for more information on how you can select your very own BB creature to sponsor. What a difficult decision for you to make as you will love them all!
In other news, I am absolutely delighted to confirm that I have not retired – a ‘small’ snippet of news I came across the other day which did amuse me! As you know, this is my life and I am so very proud of what we do and what we have achieved over the years. I will however be off my feet for a short while over the coming weeks when I finally undergo an operation on my knee – I will of course keep you all posted!
We are relieved and pleased to say that our tortoises have successfully exited hibernation – only to find they have done so as the rabbits commenced moulting – it is possible they could have timed this better as I’m not sure how they will look/feel by being covered in rabbit fur!!! This will be interesting to see…..
So, as you can see life at Bunny Burrows continues being as busy and hectic as always. We could not undertake to care for such wonderful creatures as we do without your help and support. So, as ever, from the Bunny Burrows family and I, our sincere grateful and heartfelt thanks to you, our extended family!
Gwen Butler
April 2017
April 2017