An Easter Message

It only feels like a couple of weeks since I was writing my Christmas message. Life doesn’t change much here and most days blur into one!

Baby wildy season started early with the first arriving in February! Some have thrived but others passed on, unable to fight any longer.

Tortoises came out of hibernation went straight into the garden. they were only out far days when winter decided it wasn’t quite over. They are now tromping about in my spare bedroom desperate for any small ray of sunshine that comes through the window!

I would like to take the opportunity to remind people that rabbits are for life not for Easter. Since Covid restrictions have eased we have seen an increase in people wanting to give up their pet rabbits. Some of which are only weeks old. Reasons include:

  • Unable to povide appropriate housing
  • The rabbit doesn’t want to be cuddled so will kick and scratch
  • Got bored of them
  • Not realising they lived 8-12 years on average
  • Child has left for University
  • Cost of vet bill
  • Impulse buy because they were lonely over lockdown and/or school holidays

It’s heart breaking to tell them that we are full to capacity for domestic rabbits but we can only look after so many at once and we know that it is not just us stretching our resources, our time and space to care for these unwanted rabbits.

So please remember rabbits are a life tine commitment and not for Easter.

Thank you to everyone who has joined in our Easter fundraiser; the winner will be announced on Easter Monday.

Happy Easter from Gwen and all at Bunny Burrows.