In simple terms gift aid is a scheme run by the government which allows charities like us to claim an extra 25p per £1 from eligible donations.
Are my donations eligible for Gift Aid?
For your donations to be eligible for gift aid you need to be a UK tax payer and you must have paid the same amount or more in income tax or capital gains tax in that tax year. You will also need to complete a gift aid declaration form.
Does Gift Aid affect my tax?
Gift aid doesn’t affect the amount of tax you pay. We fill in a form and the government deduct the amount from the tax you’ve already paid in that tax year.
How does Gift Aid help Bunny Burrows?
We are a small charity which relies on donations to keep running; being able to get an extra 25% on top of those donations soon adds up. It helps take the pressure off the need to sell items and other fundraising activities and allows us to focus more on the animals in our care.
Where can I get Gift Aid declaration form?
If you would like to Gift Aid your donations please email us at requesting a gift aid form and providing your address so we can pop it in the post for you.