Remember – a bunny is for life…

Right now the world is in chaos. Schools are closed. Adults are working from home. Routines have flown out the window.

Given the unprecedented nature of the times that we are currently living in we would like to remind our followers that now is not the time to be buying a rabbit.

Yes you may think that you’ve got plenty of time to spare. That it would keep the children occupied while you’re working from home. But a rabbit is a life long commitment. What happens in the weeks and months down the line when schools and work places reopen?

The average life span of a rabbit is 8-12 years though some have been known to live beyond 15. We have lost three of our long term residents this year. All had underlying health issues. The youngest was nine and a half!

What happens if your income falls? Who will you prioritise? Your family or your pets? Rabbits are classed as exotic animals and have the vet bills to match. A seemingly healthy rabbit can suddenly become ill costing you hundreds if not thousands of pounds. What will have to your rabbit then?

Rabbits need two vaccines a year to protect them against common rabbit diseases myxo and VHD. Due to the nature of how these diseases spread rabbits need the vaccines regardless of whether they live inside or out. You can easily be looking at £100 a year for vaccines and that is just for one rabbit! Rabbits are social animals and need a partner of their own kind. They will need vaccinating too.

We are just weeks into this pandemic and already we have people ringing up asking us to take in their rabbits and giving us abuse when we say no.

So please think before you buy – is now the right time to add a rabbit, guinea pig or any other pet to our family?

An Easter Letter from Gwen 2019

Dear All,

What a year so far!

With the year starting badly having a very annoying unpleasant dose of the flu, 28 tablets a day feeling my end is nigh, I am back to tell the story and use the opportunity to say how very lucky Bunny Burrows is to have such an amazing team of volunteers, absolute troopers. Goodness knows what would have happened without them!

Spring certainly arrived here 2 weeks ago when all 10 of the hibernating tortoises woke at once. After 5 months of being asleep they have all come out fighting fit. Nights are too cold so they are unable to go outside yet. They are driving me mad chomping around the tortoise tables under the heat lamps eating like food has gone out of fashion. Maybe they are worried about Brexit and the food supply! Lucky for them they have slept for 5 months.

Easter is great for me to see all the rabbit themed goodies for sale. The downside is the amount of these wonderful creatures that will be purchased and given up in such a short time. The past few weeks have been unbearable with the amount of emails and phone calls from the public wanting to give these adorable animals away. I have to say the amount increases each year and this is before the Easter shopping …

We are saddened not to have had the annual Hot X Bunny Day this year – it would have been our 18th!!! This was no fault of ours, rather Richmond Town Hall and Council let us down. Never mind! No rest for the wicked though as we are spending time at Pets @ Home Catterick Garrison fund raising with tombola and talking to the public about the pleasures and pitfalls of Bunny parenting.

THE invitation came through the letter box last week – The Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace, 21st May. I am practicing my curtsy but still shopping to find an outfit. The invitation says one can wear uniform or national dress but the gang here say that wouldn’t mean my Bunny Burrows tops or my fleece lounge suits. Hey Ho! Will keep on looking …

Thank you to one and all that continue to support Bunny Burrows – I so appreciate your help!

Hoping you all enjoy Easter and that we can indulge in a warm summer!!!

Wishing you all a Bunny-tastic Easter!!!


A Christmas Letter From Gwen 2018

Dear All,

2018 has certainly been a memorable year at Bunny Burrows. The bad weather at the start of the year made us all want to join the tortoises in hibernation!

Spring arrived and the Hot X Bunny Day was soon upon us. What a great day we all had the first year that the new girl Fliss, my King Charles spaniel, joined us all dressed for the occasion with her Easter bonnet. The atmosphere was amazing friends – old and new attended. Refreshments, tombola, plenty of stalls, bunnies and guinea pigs to hug – what more can one ask for?? To top it all we made some money! Looking forward to 2019 Palm Sunday Hot X Bunny event and hope to see you all there again.

The summer was amazing for myself, especially loving the warm and sometimes hot, sunny days sat in the garden watching all of the tortoises – the original 12 plus the new member so now a total of 13. Bunnies running around too – roll on summer 2019!

The garden is now complete with a huge walk in run for the resident wild rabbits that are not fit enough to return to the wild. They are great fun to watch whilst they are playing – so intelligent! Thanks to Dave and his expertise which has made an amazing play area for them.

The ebaying continues with huge thanks to so many of you very generous supporters that give amazing items to sell. We now have a female mannequin we call Marilyn to display the garments on. She gave the window cleaner a bit of a fright when he spotted her in the spare bedroom in a state of undress!!!

We have been fortunate this year to get a grant from Lush and also Pets @ Home – such a great help. The worry of Myxomatosis, VHD and RHD2 means lots of vaccine is required to keep the furries all safe. Even the hand reared wild rabbits are vaccinated before returning to the wild.

June was a very special time as I had a surprise letter to say the Queen had honoured me in her birthday honours list. I would never have thought in a million years I would receive the British Empire Medal for doing something I love so dearly – I wake up each morning to spend my days with such special creatures. The medal was presented to me in the company of 4 special people in my life alongside 5 other recipients – certainly a day to remember.

Thank goodness at the age of 72 I have no intention of slowing down! The animals are my life – the family has not only increased in numbers with the extra tortoise, but we also have a second aquarium and an African Albino Pygmy hedgehog, of course not forgetting the rabbits and guinea pigs. Fliss my dog has been with me a year now and oh how I adore her. We are inseparable – goodness knows how I am going to sneak her into Buckingham Palace when I go to the garden party next year…!

I realised this week that although I live in a 3 bedroom semi, I really live in a bed sit! I have a bedroom, Bathroom and kitchen: – bedroom 2 is owned by 2 rabbits Mischief and Henley and bedroom 3 is full of eBay items and Marilyn the mannequin. Downstairs there are rabbits Hans and Gretel, 2 aquariums and Fliss. What used to be the garage is extended and is full of rabbits, guinea pigs, 3 tortoises and Jo Huffington’s hedgehog.

Garden with runs, sheds with hibernating tortoises and animal bedding. Would I have it any other way – NO!!!

As ever, thank you all so much for your continued support in whatever way that comes to us – without you we really could not continue to fulfil such an important role in helping our furry friends THANK YOU!

Best wishes to one and all for Christmas and a healthy, happy 2019!!!


Gwen, Fliss & All at Bunny Burrows