A message from Gwen:
It doesn’t seem five minutes since Christmas and here I am writing an Easter update!
First off, I need to say a very big thank you for the generous donations sent at Christmas time.
It is so very kind and such a great help towards the ever increasing Vet’s bills. I find it so rewarding to realise how many good people are around who support Bunny Burrows. Also, may I say a huge thank you for the amazing continual stream of items for me to sell on E-Bay. I thoroughly enjoy making money for the Charity sat at home, warm, cosy and comfortable, researching, selling and watching the money building up in the Pay Pal account! I never would have believed it possible to sell the vast array of goods we send all over the world. Please keep them coming, especially when you start spring cleaning.
Since the Christmas letter we have had so many problems for Trudi, our ever patient, tolerant vet to sort out. Hetty the King Charles has hardly any teeth left, I think she is down to 3. It hasn’t stopped her eating but we have to make sure what she does eat doesn’t take any chewing! Duchess the Guinea Pig has had 2 massive lumps removed that has probably worried me more than her. Rasputin, the boy rabbit, has had another tooth removed, it had grown back and looked like a fang. He also had to have a nose repair job as, after poking it where it wasn’t wanted, there was a piece of skin loose. Jimmy Choo had a dental abcess problem, Pickety Witch, one of the wild girls, had a Dental and looks like she needs to go and see Trudi in the next week. Amos, another of our sponsor rabbits, has had major problems with his breathing and weight loss after tests, swabs and X-Rays it is still unclear what the problem is. One of our boy guinea pigs Mac Tavish seems to have lost the use of his legs, Trudi again has done many tests. He is eating and seems happy and we may have to have a CT scan to determine the problem.
We have a few new residents, a female rabbit with a damaged left front leg who lives in the group. The disability does not hold her back but it would not be fair to rehome her as in the future it could become a big vet bill. Her name is Nouveau. The other fluffy white girl rabbit is Kiki Dee, she has a dental problem. Our other new member is not fluffy or hairy, and has no shell or fins! He is spiky! Yes, an albino African Pygmy Hedgehog. He came just before Christmas and had lived in a children`s nursery. He came with the name Spike, now named Milligan. Rehome him? No chance! He has become so tame, a part of the family.
Last year we rehomed 22 rabbits and 18 guinea pigs a lot less than previous years but it gives us the opportunity to do what Bunny Burrows originally set out to do 20 years ago to take care of animals in need and educate the public. It also gives the vets the opportunity to learn by allowing them to try their expert skills and knowledge to make the animals well.
It is almost a year since Audrey and I travelled to Birmingham and I received the CEVA award for Animal Welfare Volunteer of the Year. We have been invited back as guests for this year. We are so excited as it was an amazing experience being among so many like minded people all dedicated to animal welfare. The event is on April 6th. The big hunt is now on for a suitable outfit. New frock time !!!
Now the most important announcement is to remind one and all about the annual Hot X Bunny Day. It is on Sunday, March 20th, that is Palm Sunday. We will be in Richmond Town Hall. Most of us will be wearing onesies and twosies! The atmosphere will be friendly, happy, relaxed and fun. The plan is to have a variety of stalls including Books, Jigsaws, Jewellery, Plants, quality Bric-a-Brac. There will be the ever popular Tombola for adults and a Tombola for children. A well stocked Kitchen with Cakes, Sandwiches, Quiche, hopefully Jacket Potatoes with fillings and liquid refreshments. There will be plenty of reasons to sit and natter with friends old and new with hopefully a party atmosphere! A selection of the residents will attend, the giant pair of rabbits Fritz and Gigi amongst the Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Tortoises and maybe Milligan the Hedgehog.
We are all looking forward to a great day and hopefully many of you will come and see us for a chat and a catch up.
Thanks again for all of your continued support, without the kindness, Bunny Burrows would not continue.