Rolex in the wars again

Wild bunny Rolex has been in the wars again, this time getting a herself in a knot with a load of hay.

As she is blind she often spins round and round when stressed, and this has caused the hay to get wrapped round her leg.  Unfortunately she is also missing her front teeth so she couldn’t chew her way out either!  Luckily Gwen was on hand to unknot her before she got herself too tied up.

Winter Coat

While Hans has been in the limelight, Hetty has been pottering along doing her own thing.  This week Gwen dressed her up in a new winter coat, and as you can see she was less than impressed!

Do you really expect me to go out looking like this?  Wrong colour, no style and no designer label. Life here sucks unless you are a rabbit!


We’re on Social Media


At Bunny Burrows we recently appointed a new IT expert (one of the Guinea Pigs has read a Computers for Dummies book) and their first task was to take us into the 20th century.  They beavered away for a while and finally they came back with the big announcement!  They had created Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts for us!

You can follow us at:

Follow us and tell your friends!  And to say thanks, here’s some pics of the little piggy hard at work.

Now I’m Famous…

Since he made the headlines earlier this week, Hans has been basking in his new found fame, and expecting Gwen to wait on him hand and foot.

PDSA Pet Survivor Awards

We mentioned recently that BB resident Hans has been nominated for PDSA Pet Survivor Award, and now we need your help to vote for him! Hans has reached the final 6 in the awards and the winner is decided by the public.  Voting closes on 4 December so please vote now!

The awards have gain extensive coverage in the press, including The Northern EchoThe Yorkshire Post and the BBC Website.

Hans came to Bunny Burrows in a very poorly state and it was the excellent work of Trudi Pardoe and her team at Abbey House Vets in Kippax and the care of Gwen that got him through.

As a thank you for voting, here’s some pictures of him looking cute.


11 Wild Bunnies

You may remember 6 wild baby bunnies came to Bunny Burrows in early August after being discovered by builders.  When they first arrived they were tiny, and needed bottle feeding by Gwen.

Over time they grew, but unfortunately 6 became 5.  They were later joined by 6 other baby rabbits in a similar situation.  All got on together but the problem was they were becoming too tame.  They recognised Gwens voice and would come to the cage door begging for food and attention.

To try and rectify this they were packed up and sent to a foster home where they would have more space and less contact with people.  They moved into a large pen and set about working out creative ways to escape!  At times they act more like squirrels than rabbits!