WEEK 769
December 21st – December 27th
This was Hettys response to being told she can’t open the presents just yet:
Also, the BB fundraisers have been at Pets at Home again, this time wearing wonderful Christmas jumpers!
WEEK 768
December 14th – December 20th
Meet our new resident – 3 year old pet albino hedgehog who was living in a child’s nursery. originally names Spike but now named Milligan he is very friendly but of course nocturnal. Like a hamster he loves his exercise wheel, and eats cat biscuits, dry meal worms, dry crickets and bits of fruit and veg.
Also this week – Fritz the giant has been up to mischief again.
Boxed and ready to wrap for Christmas. Comes complete with his dinner!
WEEK 767
December 7th – December 13th
A massive thank you to Pledge a Pound for the wonderful Christmas parcel for the furries. This should keep them quiet for a bit!
WEEK 766
November 30th – December 6th
The Bunny Burrows fundraising team have been out again, this time to Pets @ Home:
WEEK 765
November 23rd – November 29th
This week Gwen has been getting cuddles from a different breed of animal – Erin’s bearded dragon lizard called Nessy:
WEEK 764
November 16th – November 22nd
Here’s a pic of big boy Fritz and a group of admirers:
Meanwhile, Trolleyman the Tortoise has been giving his friends a big cuddle:
WEEK 760
October 19th – October 25th
Fritz (The giant boy that came to live with Bunny Burrows a few weeks ago) has got himself a girlfriend, called Gigi.
Also this week, Duchess has been to the vets. Here’s a picture from before she went, with a massive burst lump on her side:
And here’s a couple from after the op, back home and recovering:
WEEK 758
October 5th – October 11th
Say hello to new BB resident Fritz. Fritz came to Bunny Burrows from a family in Leeds who wanted to rehome him as he hadn’t bonded with their 2 year old daughter. As you can see he has settled in well.
Also here’s a picture of Trolley Man the tortoise with guinea pigs
Mactavish and Sebastian. If you can’t beat them join them!
WEEK 757
September 28th – October 4th
BB helper Erin is taking part in a charity night at school to raise money for Bunny Burrows, She will be doing name the bear, and as you can see the bear is just as excited as we are!
WEEK 756
September 21st – September 27th
Good luck to Bunny Burrows helper Sophie, who starts student life at Birmingham University this week. Sophie has been part of Bunny Burrows for seven amazing years. She’ll be greatly missed by all furry, shelly and mere mortals. We miss her and wish her all the best for her time at university and the rest of her future!
WEEK 755
September 14th – September 20th
Here’s a picture of Bunny Burrows helper Hetty, hoping for a lie in!
WEEK 754
September 7th – September 13th
Bunny Burrows helper Erin started her first day at big school this week. Hopefully she won’t get too much homework so she still has time to come and help out!
WEEK 753
August 31st – September 6th
Two more baby bunnies were brought in this week. Only hours old, they were brought in by a lady whose dog found them. Unfortunately one of them has been mutilated by a wild animal.
WEEK 750
August 10th – August 16th
Bunny burrows have been in the Northern Echo again, this time in a feature about the 7 wild rabbits recently brought in from the A1 road works. Read the full story on the Northern Echo Website.
Also this week was the Northallerton coffee morning. Many thanks to everyone who came along, especially the wonderful models!
WEEK 748
July 27th – August 2nd
Last Saturday we were at St Anne’s Church in Catterick Village. BB helpers Rhiana and Erin helped out with the tortoises, guinea pigs, rabbits with Hetty helping too.
Last week also saw 7 wild baby rabbits brought in from the A1 road works at Scotch Corner. This brings to total to 12 so far. They are only a few days old and all need bottle feeding.
WEEK 747
July 20th – July 26th
Here’s a picture of Bunny Burrows helper Erin, holding a 2 day old baby wild rabbit while showing of the Governors Cup she won at school for being the best all rounder.
WEEK 746
July 13th – July 19th
Nora the Netherland Dwarf has developed Myxomatosis lesions after recently being vaccinated against the disease. While this can sometimes happen after being vaccinated it is uncommon. Nora should make a full recovery and it is still better than not vaccinating and risking catching full Myxomatosis. If this happens to your rabbit report it to your vet, or the person who vaccinated your bunny.
And as usual Hetty has slept through all the action. This week she chose to sleep in Gwen’s handbag to make sure she didn’t spend too much of her inheritance!
WEEK 745
July 6th – July 12th
Sad news this week as Hannah, Gwen’s trusty companion for so many years has sadly passed away. She will be greatly missed.
WEEK 744
June 29th – July 5th
Last week saw the end of year prom for Sophie the Bunny Burrows helper
WEEK 743
June 22nd – June 28th
This week we’ve had Ellie working with us. Ellie is a student vet in her first of four years at Edinburgh University.
WEEK 742
June 15th – June 21st
Over the last few weeks we’ve had a couple of rescues come into Bunny Burrows. Here’s a few pics of a big bunny who was found running round the car park of a local nature reserve. Going by the the state of his fur it looks like he has been living in a cage that was too small, preventing him from grooming himself properly.
And here’s a pic of a female stray brought in last Saturday
Bunny Burrows volunteer Audrey celebrates her 60th birthday this week. Happy Birthday Audrey, from everyone at Bunny Burrows!
WEEK 741
June 8th – June 14th
Here’s a few pics of Bunny Burrows volunteer Sophie with her bunny Barney. Barney was a rescue who came to Bunny Burrows a few years ago and went to live with Sophie as a foster bunny but ended up staying permanently!
WEEK 740
June 1st – June 7th
Gwen has been at Pets at Home in Darlington to collect a cheque for £1,945.37 which has been raised through the hard work of the store staff and Bunny Burrows volunteers.
WEEK 739
May 25th – May 31st
This week Gwen has been on the radio again, this time for 1 hour on BBC Radio Tees on Thursday. You can listen again here (starts at about the 2 hour mark).
WEEK 737
May 11th – May 17th
This week we’ve some unusual lodgers on holiday at Bunny Burrows. A group of Degus.
The other day Hannah was pacing around in the kitchen after being in the garden. The floor was wet so we thought she had wee’d. Gwen went to mop it up and felt wet dripping on her head. The degus had chewed a hole in the water bottle! Gwen had to give a big apology to Hannah! Below is the water bottle, along with a picture of Hannah resting after testing out the exercise bike.
Also Rasputin is up to mischief this week, having been caught sitting in his veg dish. Just needs a crust putting on ready for rabbit pie (He’d probably drink all the gravy and eat all the carrots!)
WEEK 736
May 4th – May 10th
The Bunny Burrows fundraising team has been out again this week, returning the Pets at Home in Darlington
WEEK 735
April 27th – May 3rd
Here’s a pic taken of Gwen with newly named bunny Smudge. Smudge was named in a recent competition run by Jet2. Read more on the Jet2 Facebook page (no registration required).
And some sad news as Rachel, a long time Bunny Burrows resident recently passed away. Rachel and her sister Ruth were found dumped in a cardboard box outside a vets in Leeds. They came to live at Bunny Burrows and soon settled in with the others. Rachel had many ailments, including a poorly eye and a number of abscesses but she battled through. She’ll be greatly missed
WEEK 734
April 20th – April 26th
A few more photos of the CEVA awards from Gwen, and a few from her visit to the BSAVA trade exhibition the following day:
Ready to eat our pudding |
The awards
At the BSAVA trade exhibition |
Audrey worn to a frazzle |
Inside the ICC where the conference and exhibition was held |
Outside the ICC with Ed from CEVA |
Also, here’s the interview CEVA did with Gwen as part of the build up to the awards:
WEEK 733
April 13th – April 19th
Here’s the highlights video from the CEVA awards:
WEEK 732
April 6th – April 12th
This Wednesday is the CEVA Awards night. Everyone has their fingers crossed for Gwen who has been nominated in the Volunteer of the Year category. You can watch it live on YouTube. For those that don’t know, Gwen has recently undergone a hip operation after enduring months of pain, and all while still running Bunny Burrows. While she still has a long way to go to be fully fit, she is well on the road to recovery. Good luck Gwen!
UPDATE 9 April: Gwen won Volunteer of the Year! More soon…
UPDATE 10 April: Gwen will be on BBC Tees at about 4:50pm. If you missed it you can listen again http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02n5k2v. Gwen is on at about the 57 minute mark.
UPDATE 12 April: The CEVA Awards website has now been updated with details of all the winners.
WEEK 731
March 30th – April 5th
Bunny Burrows volunteers were present at Richmond Station on Saturday and Sunday for their Easter Bunny Trail. As well as Mischief, Amos and two piggies we had the tent, secret auction, kids tombola , egg game and normal tombola and some ‘ass’ fudge which amused many passers by! Many thanks to everyone who stopped by to say hello – we made just over £400 over the two days!
Also this week, here’s a few pics of Alfie the dutch bunny and his new girlfriend Bonny the rex bunny. Bonny was one of 4 rex babies who recently came to Bunny Burrows. It’s so nice to see her settled in her new home!
March 23rd – March 29th
As I’m sure most of you know, Sunday was the Hot Cross Bunny Day at Richmond Town Hall. It was great to catch up with so many people again, and in the process raise over £1000! Many thanks to everyone who came, and an even bigger thanks to everyone who helped out!

The stalls
The petting corner
Lizzie has waited all year for a cuddle with Amos, but Mischief gets one every day!
Gwen working hard (as usual)!
Many thanks to Esther Dingley for taking these wonderful photos.
March 16th – March 22nd
This week we’d like to give a huge thank you to the lovely Lisa and Andrew Pearsons who very kindly donated their wedding present gift money to Bunny Burrows. They are a very special couple and we wish them all the best and a long and happy future together.

You may remember a few weeks ago we told you about Rasputin, the little bunny with the ever growing front teeth. The good news is he recovered fine from the operation and is happily eating. Its taken us a while to get him to sit still long enough to take his picture but we’ve finally managed it!
Finally this week just a quick reminder about Hot Cross Bunny Day which is next Sunday the 29th March. Check out our events page for more info.
WEEK 728
March 9th – March 15th
Rachel, a permanent Bunny Burrows resident, has unfortunately been a little under the weather this week. However, when Gwen tried to syringe feed her some critical care to help her keep her strength up Rachel had other ideas. Why eat out of a syringe when you can eat off the spoon?
Finally, fresh from dressing as a bunny last week, Amy the dog has been helping out with the paperwork
WEEK 727
March 2nd – March 8th
2 weeks ago Rasputin, a 10 month old bunny came to live at Bunny Burrows. He had a problem with his front teeth and they didn’t meet properly, meaning they kept growing. This is how they looked when he came in:
He had them trimmed and an appointment was made at the vets for them removing. However, 2 weeks later and before they could be removed this is how they looked:
It is amazing how quickly rabbit teeth grow. He has had them trimmed again and is due for them removing next week. Once he has recovered from the operation he will be able to lead a near normal life. He will still be able to eat, but will need his veg either cutting into strips or grating. He may also need help keeping himself clean, but the big advantage is he won’t be chewing the furniture!
Also this week, Bunny Burrows has been fund raising at Pets at Home in Darlington, and as you can see from the pictures below, much fun was had by all:
Finally this week, Amy the dog has realised the only way to get any attention when at Bunny Burrows is to dress as a bunny:
As the saying goes, “When in Rome, dress as a rabbit”… or something like that
WEEK 726
February 23rd – March 1st
This week has been a busy week for new additions. First off are 5 rex bunnies – mum and 4 babies who are only 10 weeks old.
Also joining us was Tulula the 3 year old guinea pig. She came to us on Saturday after losing her companion. As you can see she has settled in with the others in the group and is sharing a big dish of food with Toffee.
And finally came Ethel the tortoise (left) who is approx. 25 years old. She has moved in with Marigold and Tiny (right).
WEEK 725
February 16th – February 22nd
The much anticipated visit by the Ceva Animal Awards people went well on Monday; here’s a few pictures we took of them taking pictures of us!
“Wake us up when it’s over”
Have a read about the nice things they wrote about us on the Ceva Facebook Page (you don’t need to be registered to read it), or on the Ceva Awards website.
WEEK 724
February 9th – February 15th
Much excitement this week as everyone is getting ready for the visit of the awards people to do some filming of what goes on behind the scenes at Bunny Burrows!
This is the pose Godfrey has decided to use on camera. He is named Godfrey because when people see him they say “Oh my God!”
Layla and Tofu are really up for it
Hetty and Hannah are thinking about it
Jimmy Choo and Haze have decided to share the limelight
Mischief and Amos are nowt but posers!
WEEK 723
February 2nd – February 8th
Some good news this week with Bunny Burrows in the Northern Echo, after we got through to the final of the Ceva Animal Welfare Awards. Read all about it here.
Unfortunately it hasn’t all been good news. Wild boy Tarquin passed away on Friday night which came as a surprise as he had been so fit and lively.
Gwens Hannah has been placed on bed rest after hurting her leg jumping off the sofa.
WEEK 722
January 26th – February 1st
This is Gary.
He is a rabbit that was picked up on Catterick Garrison by a couple out walking the dogs. He was very matted, scared and quiet. He wouldn’t move in the hutch or eat fresh food or dry pellets, just sat nibbling on hay.
Two days later he went to the vets; when they lifted him he became very stressed and bled from the mouth. The vet felt they couldn’t stress him out and x-ray him so they kept him over the weekend and gave him pain relief and started him eating. He had improved on the Monday so they x-rayed him and found cracked ribs and damaged vertebrae, possible and most likely cause being used as a football. He has since been neutered and eating better. The damage should heal with rest, pain relief and time.
WEEK 721
January 19th – January 25th
Galaxy Hot Chocolate are giving £300 a week to local charities and we need your help. Please vote for us by visiting http://www.galaxyhotchocolate.com/galaxyfund2014/profiles/bunny-burrows-.
Meanwhile, wild bunny Rolex has developed a cloudy eye over the last couple of weeks, but on Thursday it looked like it had started to fill with puss. Puss in the eyeball is treatable but it is possible she may lose the eye. As she is a wild rabbit and is prone to fits then she will be hard to treat as she gets stressed easily.
WEEK 720
January 12th – January 18th
There has been some changes at Bunny Burrows this week. Kaz and Jill have stepped down from running the newsletter and website. Many thanks to them for the many hours of work they have put into Bunny Burrows.
But fear not, the Bunny Burrows website and newsletter will continue. There’ll be a few exciting changes over the next few months but in the meantime I can still be contacted on the usual email address and phone number. Gwen
WEEK 719
January 5th – January 11th
Sad news this week with the loss of Tyson, the king of the garage. He spent his days roaming the garage, helping with clean out, investigating anything new that arrived and eating the post if it wasn’t collected quick enough!
WEEK 718
January 1st – January 4th
Happy new year from everyone at Bunny Burrows!
Here’s a picture of Hetty after a hard night partying…